NorthBay is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization.
In 2002 the Maryland Board of Public Works approved a request from the Baltimore based Erickson Foundation to lease 97 of 2,200 acres within the Elk Neck State Park in Cecil County, Maryland. The product of a unique public/private partnership between the Erickson Foundation, the Maryland State Department of Education and the Department of Natural Resources, NorthBay opened its doors to students in 2005.
One of NorthBays core values is collaboration. We exemplify this through long lasting, effective and meaningful partnerships with a diverse group of organizations that support the delivery of the NorthBay mission, making a life changing education experience a reality for tens of thousands of children every year. NorthBay is proud to partner with the following organizations.
At NorthBay we believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience and forge a connection to their natural environment. By providing this connection for students in a manner that challenges them academically and facilitates personal growth and leadership we influence students to realize that their attitudes and actions have a lasting impact on their future, the environment and the people around them.
To challenge middle school students to realize that their attitudes and actions have a lasting impact on their future, the environment and the people around them by using Common Core and Next Generation Science standards, character development, and the outdoors as an integrating context.
NorthBay is a non-profit, tax-exempt, 501(c)(3) organization.