
NorthBay Evaluation

NorthBay has been serving over 10,000 students per year in residential and targeted tutoring education programs. Each year we have been formally evaluating the effectiveness of our program in terms of environmental intention to act, academic intention to act and citizenship/character. This process is designed and overseen by a team of external consultants from Yale, Virginia Tech and Clemson Universities through the administration of pre, post and 3 month past experience instruments.


Evaluation created by Dr. Marc Stern (Virginia Tech), Dr. Nicole Ardoin (Stanford) and Dr. Bob Powell (Clemson).


Some key takeaways from our latest evaluation include:

73% of students agree with the statement, “My time at NorthBay has changed the way I look at my life.”

Our strongest short and long-term impacts on students continue to be in Character Development and Leadership with the strongest shifts in “The choices I make today can change my life” and “I will talk to my friends about making positive choices.”

Within Environmental Responsibility our strongest shift is also a product of strong character education, “I will work as a volunteer in my community.”

Strong short-term positive shifts in Attitudes Toward School. 93% of teachers agree “NorthBay has had a positive impact on my students.”

85% of teachers agree “NorthBay has had a positive impact on the culture of my school.”

See Our Impact In Action!

WMAR Story – Learning Beyond the Books: NorthBay Education empowering thousands of students

NorthBay Accelerated

NorthBay Experience 2018

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